Category Archives: Questions

What’s the difference between a turret and a tower?

Question is What’s the difference between a turret and a tower?


A turret projects vertically out from the wall of a building.
A tower goes all the way to the ground.

So a turret is actually a small, circular tower that’s attached to a larger building.

What can I make with 3 large lemons?

Question is What can I make with 3 large lemons?
I was given 3 large lemons. Not sure what I can make with them. In fact I have no idea so I put them in a freezer bag and in the freezer. Any ideas?

Lemon squares.
You will have to let the lemons thaw completely.
Make sure you remove all the zest you will need that for the squares as well. Much easier to zest while they are whole.
For the recipe you get you may not have all the juice you will need and the recipe may not call for the amount of zest you get but trust me use all the zest and don’t worry much about a tablespoon full of juice. There is more flavor in the zest.

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade! Nah just kidding, but still. I’d make a nice healthy lemon beverage, or dump a slice in my water pitcher (lemony water tastes nice and is good for you). Make a salad dressing, loads of recipes out there. Lemon meringue pie! Use the whole lemon; zest and all for lemony goodness. My grandmother likes to juice the several left over lemons and store them in a container in the fridge so you can use it any time, but I’m not sure if it’s bad for the lemon or whatever so I’ve never gone with her practice. Or you could just give them away, if they’re not useful to you.